Mastering Royal Fashion: Essential Rules Every Royal Should Follow

From using their handbags to send secret signals to their staff to dressing their children a certain way, there are many rules that members of the royal family are expected to follow when it comes to the way that they dress.

Although the majority of these rules mainly apply to the women of the royal family, there are some guidelines that dictate how men and children dress too.

Royal Fashion Handbags

Mastering Royal Fashion

No brightly coloured nail polish

It’s believed that members of the British royal family are not allowed to paint their fingernails with brightly coloured nail polish, and they tend to steer more towards bare nails or natural looking colours instead.

Tights are encouraged

Even though royal women are not required to wear tights, it is believed that they used to do so out of respect for the queen. However, even after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, figures such as Kate Middleton have continued to wear nude tights.

Meghan Markle did not often follow this ‘rule’, only choosing to wear nude tights during any appearances she had with the queen.

Hats for royal events

At royal events, royal women are usually noticeable thanks to their elaborate hats. It is a tradition for royal women to wear hats at formal occasions, and hat-wearing is also thought to be somewhat of a status symbol, as it visually suggests that you are part of the elite in society.

Always travel with a black outfit

When travelling, members of the royal family are expected to pack an all-black outfit, just in case of any unexpected deaths within the family. This is so that they are seen as being properly dressed for a sad event when they return to the UK.

It is thought that this rule was created after the unexpected death of King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II. Elizabeth had to rush home from Kenya and wait aboard her plane when it arrived back in London until she was brought a change of clothes. This is because it would have been considered highly inappropriate for her to emerge from the plane dressed normally after the death of the king.

There are restrictions around wearing tiaras

Nowadays, tiaras are only ever worn for white-tie events (the most formal of dress codes), and they can only be worn by married women and members of the royal family. This is evidenced by how Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle both did not wear tiaras until after they had been married.

Wedding dresses must be royally approved

Before a bride can walk down the aisle in the royal family, it is tradition that their wedding dress must be approved by the current reigning monarch.

Their dress is expected be white or cream, have long sleeves, and should not show the shoulders or cleavage of the bride.

Stick to wearing heavier fabrics

As they are photographed frequently, members of the royal family will often wear heavy fabrics like tweed or wool, as this is not as prone to wrinkling compared to other fabrics.

Military wear for formal occasions

For state occasions or special events, such as Trooping the Colour or any other service that honours the armed forces in Britain, the men of the royal family are expected to wear military dress. It is also tradition for royal grooms to wear their military uniforms when they get married.

Young boys should wear shorts

Only dressing young boys in shorts until they reach a certain age is a tradition that is thought to go back generations. It is thought to be a marker of the upper class, with young boys in trousers seen as more associated with middle classes or being suburban.

Boys usually begin to wear trousers when they reach around eight years old, but it is thought that this tradition also has roots in the practice of ‘breeching’ that dates back hundreds of years.

Newborn boys would be dressed in gowns for their first few years, before being ‘breeched’ and wearing clothing that was more in line with shorts and trousers.

Skirts must be an appropriate length

Although this is probably a more obvious rule, women in the royal family are not allowed to wear short skirts. The shortest skirts that they usually wear are around knee length.

People who have previously designed the clothes the royal family wear have also explained that they include weights into the hems of skirts, as this prevents them from blowing up in the wind and causing wardrobe malfunctions.

Gloves at public appearances

Even though this particular rule is not followed as strictly nowadays, members of the royal family do not wear gloves solely for aesthetic purposes. It is thought that wearing gloves helps to prevent the spread of germs when they greet people and shake hands at public events.

Wearing shoes a size too big

For most people, wearing shoes that are too big would not be seen as comfortable. However, female members of the royal family often wear shoes that are too big to accommodate for their feet swelling if they have been stood for a long time, and it is also thought to help avoid blisters.

Casual outfits still have some rules

Although it is believed that rules around casual dressing are more relaxed now, it is still very rare to see the royal family in jeans. If they want to dress casually, they are still expected to follow specific protocol.

It is recommended that women wear day dresses or trousers with a jacket or cardigan, and men are recommended chinos paired with collared shirts or blazers.

Overall, it is hardly surprising that the royal family have several rules that they are expected to follow around the way that they dress. As they are often seen as representatives of their country, it is important that they always appear presentable and respectful, and their outfits often make them easier to distinguish from everybody else.

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